Friday, January 31, 2020

Why Movement Matters: A TCM Perspective

Most people know that exercise is beneficial to your health. If you are not quite convinced, a quick Google search (or clicking the links below) might give you some more reinforcement.

Exercise has been shown to help improve the quality of life and health for people with chronic disease and pain, depression and anxiety, osteoporosis, and can even improve your sex life! Any movement that you do will have a positive effect on your body, and you don't need to go to the gym to feel the benefits of movement.

One of the reasons that exercise is beneficial is that it increases the circulation of Blood, Fluids and Qi in the body. There is a saying in Chinese medicine:

"When there is pain, there is no free flow;
When there is free flow, there is no pain."

The Liver is in charge of the free flow of Qi in the body. When the Liver is imbalanced, it causes various types of pain in the body and mind. The Liver can be out of balance due to emotional reasons like stress, anger, frustration or unfulfilled desires, or due to physical lack of bodily movement. When the Qi doesn't flow well; we call this "Stagnation." Qi Stagnation can manifest as different symptoms:

  • Musculoskeletal pain in the muscles and joints, muscle tightness, low range of motion, body stiffness
  • Emotional pain, feeling stuck, depression, irritability, short temper
  • Headaches, eye strain, menstrual pain (cramps, breast tenderness, lower back ache)
  • Sighing, frequent yawning when you are not tired
Movement is something that you can do to unblock the stagnation and free up your internal flow, which will make you feel better.

Movement can be going for a walk in the woods, playing with your children, dancing, yoga, pilates, T'ai Chi, running, weight lifting, etc. but, what matters most is that you have fun doing it. If you dread moving your body, you won't do it. In order to lead a healthy life, movement needs to be part of your daily activities. That being said, you don't need to exercise for an hour every day, or at least not an hour in a row. Every little bit counts. 5 or 10 minutes here and there over the course of the day have the same or greater impact as exercising all at once.

Easy movement additions are park further away from your destination, or take the stairs rather than the elevator. Other ideas are, if you have a desk job, every hour stand up and stretch for 5 minutes, maybe walk around your office, maybe have a little mini dance party (this is best if you work from home, but if you have cooperative office mates, this might be a fun group activity). Get creative. Make it fun. Intentionally move your Qi! When you move what is stuck, you feel less pain and have improved mood, increased creativity, better balance and increased freedom of movement.

If you still need support with pain or with any of the above symptoms, acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment option. The needles improve the flow in the muscles, joints and fascia to improve how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. 

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