Monday, February 18, 2019

Musings of an Acupuncturist Treating Veterans

Musings of an acupuncturist treating veterans:

I love the vision of people, mostly men but some women, coming into the Veterans Acupuncture Care clinic,
a little nervous, a little unsure. Before they’ve been treated they don’t know what’s going to happen. Does it hurt?
How will I feel after? Does it hurt? What should I expect? Does it hurt?
They walk in, sign in and take a seat in one of of almost a dozen wing chair and couch seats. They sit down,
swab their ears with alcohol and await the needles. Within 5 minutes or so of receiving the needles, I see the peace
and calm wash over their faces. Soon the subtle sounds of gentle snoring mix with the flute music playing in the
background. They sit until they feel complete, for some it is 30 minutes, for some 90 minutes, for many it is
something in between. I take my cues from them. After the treatment, they arise, refreshed and ready to take on
whatever their life may bring. Initially the contentment may last only a few hours or a few days, but over time the
effects last longer and longer. The treatments build up in the system helping them hold on the more good feelings
than bad. Bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves; I only facilitate that action. That’s why I do what I do.
I am an acupuncturist.

* * * * *

Everyone experiences stress in their lives, but after experiencing war and combat, the stress is a little different.
At first it may be subtle, like feeling irritable and isolated, or yelling at your spouse and children. Then it might be
more invasive, interrupting your sleep, causing nightmares and flashbacks, driving your desire to drink or behave
recklessly. PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is not always immediately apparent to the person experiencing it.
If you or someone your love has been affected by a traumatic event in war or combat, know that help is available.
Veterans Acupuncture Care (VAC) Metrowest offers free acupuncture treatments specifically geared toward easing
your experience of your trauma and giving you a deep sense of peace and well-being.
For more information, please visit

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